Tag - renovation

How to cover up inspection holes?
How to cover up inspection holes?

Aesthetic camouflage of inspection holes in the bathroom is simple. Check out our patents for effective concealment of pipes and installations.

Roofing – an overview of materials
Roofing – an overview of materials

Tile, ceramic tile, concrete tile – what to cover the roof with? See the advantages and disadvantages of different solutions.

How to choose a wall color for a dark floor?
How to choose a wall color for a dark floor?

Timeless dark floors are sometimes troublesome in terms of room design.
Do only light-colored walls match them? We suggest!

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How do you cover the pin holes?
Have you decided to hang a painting? Or maybe you are bored with the shelf above your dresser? Unfortunately, after removing them there are still ugly holes in the wall. We suggest how to get rid of them
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