Decorating - Page 5

How to light up a terrace? 6 inspirations
How to light up a terrace? 6 inspirations

Looking for practical and aesthetic lighting for your terrace? See the available offers and choose something for yourself.

Shelves on the wall – what to do to make them effective?
Shelves on the wall – what to do to make them effective?

What can be done to make shelves not just a dust collector?

DIY: Pendant lamps made of bottles. They make an impression!
DIY: Pendant lamps made of bottles. They make an impression!

Do you dream of making your own hanging lamps? Check out how to make lamps out of bottles to make an electrifying impression!

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How and where to place the living room table? Guide
How and where to place the living room table? Guide
Want to know the best place to set your table? It all depends on your room and your needs. Click and read what you need to know before choosing this piece of furniture.
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