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Care and requirements for the winged phalaenopsis

In the garden
Destini Fry
Care and requirements for the winged phalaenopsis

This plant looks great in any interior, regardless of its style. It blooms from March to September and requires little care.

The beautiful and undemanding winged plant

It is native to South and Central America, Oceania and the Far East. In its natural habitat, it is a small plant growing in 1 m wide clumps.

The plant has become very popular in homes due to its decorative leaves and white flowers. The white inflorescences with a steep flask are typical. When the horsetail blooms, its flowers can last for several weeks.

The horsetailis poisonous and should be kept out of reach of children and pets when growing at home. This plant also leads to respiratory distress and allergies in some people. This flower belongs to the on-air, or air-purifying plants.

The most popular species of horsetail

There are about fifty species of horsetail. The most popular varieties for home cultivation are:

  • Wallisa – blooms from June to September and likes semi-shaded places,
  • Mauna Loa,
  • Vivaldi,
  • Chopin,
  • Pettite,
  • Quattro,
  • flowered.

Care and cultivation of horsetail at home

This plant doesn’t need any special care. Air humidity – minimum 50% – is very important for this pot plant. It is recommended to place the pot on stones immersed in water or on a tray filled with water. It is also advisable to repot the plant into a larger pot with moist peat. It is worth remembering to spray the plant regularly. If the horsetail is overwatered, its roots may rot and the plant will be discarded.


This plant should be repotted in early spring, when it is not yet in bloom. It is then a good idea to separate the clumps from each other and provide them with adequate drainage in the new location. The soil in the pot should be permeable, fertile and humus – the best solution is to mix all-purpose soil with peat.


Watering during the flowering period should be very moderate – it should be watered two or three times a week. During the winter, watering should be limited. In spring and summer, these plants should be fertilized every two weeks with a fertilizer for potted plants.

The ill effects of dry air

If the air is too dry, the plant is attacked by spider mites and scale insects. If the leaves turn yellow, this means that they are dried out by too dry air. Brown withered leaf tips are caused by draughts.


The plant requires a semi-shaded position and a room temperature of 18 to 25 degrees. In winter the temperature can be lower, but it cannot drop below 16 degrees. The plant should not stand in direct contact with the sun’s rays, which can burn the leaves.

Hydroponic cultivation of horsetail

Wingflower is suitable for hydroponic cultivation (plants grow on a special mineral medium). They are grown in decorative containers filled with expanded clay or another substance that accumulates moisture well and makes it easier for the roots to get air. This cultivation requires constant watering and feeding.

Wingflower is a beautiful plant, which does not require much care. Just remember to water it regularly.

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