Tag - apartment renovation

How to protect windows during renovation?
How to protect windows during renovation?

Planning a renovation? Find out how to protect your windows

Replacing fronts in kitchen cabinets – how to do it?
Replacing fronts in kitchen cabinets – how to do it?

Are you bored with your old kitchen but prefer to avoid a major overhaul? Opt for new cabinet fronts and enjoy the new interior design.

How do you cover the pin holes?
How do you cover the pin holes?

Have you decided to hang a painting? Or maybe you are bored with the shelf above your dresser? Unfortunately, after removing them there are still ugly holes in the wall. We suggest how to get rid of them

Partition wall – what kind to choose?
Partition wall – what kind to choose?

To manage our space well, we can think about inserting a partition wall. How to do it? What should it be made of? We suggest.

Wood stairs for concrete – what do you need to know?
Wood stairs for concrete – what do you need to know?

Want to put treads on your concrete stairs? Read on to find out which wood will be best.

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Ideas for spring outdoor activities for the whole family!
Would you like to organize various outdoor activities for your family? Check out our tips, get inspired and don't sit at home when the weather is so beautiful outside!
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