Tag - apartment

What accessories to choose for a navy blue wall?
What accessories to choose for a navy blue wall?

Do you love strong colors and can’t imagine a living room without a wall in navy blue, but are worried that the selection of accessories could be troublesome? Don’t worry! We suggest what decorations to choose.

Busbars – what are they and is it worth investing in them?
Busbars – what are they and is it worth investing in them?

Looking for a modern solution for lighting your home? Consider installing busbars. This solution is not only striking, but also very functional. Learn more about it!

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What type of bathroom sink to choose? Types
What type of bathroom sink to choose? Types
Are you planning a bathroom renovation and don't know which washbasin to buy? Find out what types of bathroom sinks we have and what aspects to pay special attention to when shopping!
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