Tag - interior design

Partitions are the perfect way to separate spaces
Partitions are the perfect way to separate spaces

If you’re missing an extra room, you’ll be happy to know that it’s possible to section it off without renovating. How? With a partition wall! We present ideas for interesting arrangements. Check it out!

What is the difference between an architect and an interior designer?
What is the difference between an architect and an interior designer?

Wondering what the differences are in the scope of work between an architect and an interior designer? Read this article.

Work triangle in the kitchen – how to design it?
Work triangle in the kitchen – how to design it?

Learn the work triangle principle to create a practical kitchen in just a few steps.

How to brighten up a dark hallway? Tried and tested patents
How to brighten up a dark hallway? Tried and tested patents

The hallway is often the darkest room in the apartment or house, but by applying a few tricks we can quickly change this. We present proven patents for arrangement of this space.

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TOP 6 ideas for a small apartment
Looking for ways to decorate a small apartment? Come in and see what inspiration and ideas you can use in a small apartment.
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