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What to Look for When Decorating Your Home with French Canadian Contemporary Art

Destini Fry
What to Look for When Decorating Your Home with French Canadian Contemporary Art

Are you looking for something unique to decorate your home? Consider looking for French Canadian Contemporary Art! Whether you are a collector or just looking for something interesting to add to your home, there are many talented French Canadian Contemporary Artists creating beautiful and meaningful works of art. 

Where to find French Canadian contemporary art

There are many options for finding French Canadian contemporary art. One of the best places to start is by browsing online galleries and websites dedicated to selling artwork from the region. You can find works from artists such as Marc-Aurèle Fortin, Jean-Paul Lemieux, and Jean-Paul Riopelle. It’s important to keep in mind that these works often come with hefty price tags. 

Another option is to check out local galleries and artist exhibitions in your area. These events often offer a wide variety of works from French Canadian Contemporary Artist and are a great way to get a feel for the region’s creative spirit. Additionally, you can look for auctions, which are often a great source for rare and valuable pieces. 

Finally, it’s worth considering purchasing artwork from local independent artists. Not only can you get an excellent deal, but you can also directly support up-and-coming talent in the region. You can find these artists by doing some research into your local art scene or by connecting with other art lovers on social media.

How to know if the painting will fit in your home

When it comes to decorating your home with French Canadian contemporary art, it’s important to make sure that the painting you choose fits in with the overall design of your space. Here are a few tips to help you determine if a painting will fit in with your home:

1. Consider the size and scale of the painting. Is it too large for your wall? Will it overwhelm other pieces of furniture or artwork in the room? Make sure to take measurements of the wall where the painting will go and compare those measurements to the size of the painting you’re considering.

2. Think about the color palette of the painting. Is it complementary to other items in the room? Will it create a sense of unity or balance? For example, if you have earthy tones in your living room, choosing a painting with warm, bold colors may not be the best choice.

3. Pay attention to the texture of the painting. Does it have a smooth, matte finish? Or is it more of a textured, glossy style? If the texture doesn’t match what you already have in your home, it could be difficult to blend in.

Finally, keep an open mind when looking at potential paintings for your home. Don’t be afraid to try something new and unexpected – after all, art should be a reflection of your personality and taste! With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to find a piece that perfectly fits into your home’s décor.

Main photo: Steve Johnson/

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