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Key phrases for SEO – which are the most popular in the gardening industry?

Online promotion and arrangements
Destini Fry
Key phrases for SEO – which are the most popular in the gardening industry?

Effective positioning does not exist without choosing the right key phrases. We explain why they are so important and which ones can be considered the most popular in the gardening industry.

Austin SEO expert explaining:
Positioning (Search Engine Optimization, abbreviated as SEO) is to optimize websites so that they appear in the highest possible positions in search results. It is a long-term process that relies on well-thought-out and regular activities, such as choosing keywords, creating unique and valuable content and building links. Although all such activities are important and influence the position of a given website, keywords are the basis of the whole process – it is from their search and selection for your industry that you should start. Why are keyword phrases so important in positioning? Believing in the experience of our Austin SEO expert, we’d like to explain some important elements and factors of positioning and SEO in the article below, so stay with us!

Importance of key phrases

Key phrases are simply words, terms, which we type in the search engine when we want to find information, product or service. Thanks to them, users get where they want to go. Properly chosen keywords make the website gain better visibility in the search engine and record more traffic. Choosing the right phrases is so important, because without them the website will not appear in high positions in search results. It is well-visible at the work of a Chicago SEO agency. Their work mainly concentrates on the keyword deciding process, affecting the website visibility straight. 

Types of key phrases

Chicago SEO agency lists the following types of key phrases:

  • General, basic key phrases – consist of 1-2 words, their positioning is difficult because they are – as the name suggests – quite general, and thus often typed in the search engine. They are also highly competitive. Examples: gardening industry, gardening store.
  • Brand phrases – it is a phrase in which the name of the brand appears, i.e. the brand. Users type this type of keyword into a search engine when they care about a particular company’s product/service. Examples: Castorama garden flowers, OBI garden.
  • Long Tail phrases – literally mean “long tail.” They are longer than general keywords and consist of 3-5 words. They are characterized by lower click-through rate, but low popularity and therefore competitiveness, so they help in positioning. Examples: online gardening store, online gardening store cheap.
  • Local/national phrases – these are keywords that contain the exact location, i.e. the name of the city, province, state. They are especially useful when you run a stationery store. Examples: gardening store Wroclaw, gardening tools Warsaw.
  • Informative phrases – users type them when they want to obtain information rather than find a product or service. They often have a form of a question, so they are connected with searching for answers. Examples: how to plant tulips, how to take care of heather at home.

They (Chicago SEO agency) always remind – when you’re positioning your website, it is worth ensuring that content appears on it, which does not lack all kinds of key phrases. This will make users more likely to come to such a site, which will translate into more traffic.

Our guest, Austin SEO expert does not remain indebted – without a doubt, the most popular phrase in the gardening industry is “gardening store”, which is often combined with the location and name of the city. Also leading the way are keywords such as:

  • online gardening store,
  • online gardening store cheap,
  • gardening industry in Poland 2020,
  • gardening market in Poland,
  • gardening equipment market,
  • gardening news,
  • gardening blog,
  • garden portal,
  • green garden tips,
  • YouTube gardening tips,
  • vegetable garden,
  • gardening catalogs,
  • gardening tools,
  • hand gardening tools,
  • gardening tools names,
  • potted flowers – store,
  • interesting flowers for the garden,
  • most beautiful flowers.

As you can see, there are many key phrases in the gardening industry that are associated not only with stores and specific products (for example, tools), but also with gardening tips. For this reason, it’s a good idea to regularly publish additional expert content on your website that includes gardening news and tips in addition to information about your offerings. This is a great way to weave in keywords and increase website visibility and traffic.

Google Business Card Positioning

Google Business Card – this topic is kind of a hobby of SEO Philadelphia. They remind, that it can help in positioning your gardening business. It is a free tool offered by Google. Its purpose is to present basic information about the company, for example, contact details, address, opening hours. Importantly, Google My Business card can only apply to companies that have a physical location. Specialists from SEO Philadelphia are concerned about the non-quality of many business cards visible in SERP. Many companies set them without preparation, skipping important information about contact, work hours and services they offer.

Google business cards can also be optimized to increase visibility – basically this is why it is so important – specialist form SEO Philadelphia says.. Positioning a Google My Business card should consist of several steps. Start by filling in your basic information (company name, address, phone number) and determine your location and areas served. It is also worth specifying “main categories and subcategories”, as this will allow Google to determine the profile of your business. Then you can focus on creating a unique description of the company, which will include the most important information, and adding entries in the news business card or photos and videos. Responding to customer feedback also plays an important role in business card positioning.

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  • iCEA PL 20.07.2022

    Many people forget how important keywords are in positioning and do not analyse them. When I started to focus more on what key phrases I put in my content, I noticed greater results from SEO activities. I also followed the advice from the article: which helped me improve my SEO strategy.

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