Tag - home equipment

Combi steamer – what is it? How to bake in it?
Combi steamer – what is it? How to bake in it?

Cooking is a chore for you? Invest in a combi steamer! It will help you prepare tasty meals quickly.

What is the difference between an induction cooktop and a ceramic cooktop?
What is the difference between an induction cooktop and a ceramic cooktop?

Wondering which hob to choose for your kitchen? See what the differences are and what advantages each has.

How to buy home appliances online? What to look for?
How to buy home appliances online? What to look for?

Wondering how to make an informed electronics purchase? Find out when and where it’s best to buy products online.

How do I fit a wall mount to my TV?
How do I fit a wall mount to my TV?

Do you want to buy a TV mount? Read what to consider when shopping.